Sterilizing a cat, how much does it cost?

Cat sterilization


Do you want to have your cat sterilized? In that case, it is wise to look into the costs involved. Sterilizing a cat often varies between 100 and 200 euros. This is a difference of 100 euros and, if possible, you would, of course, rather put this extra 100 euros in your own pocket. The difference in these prices is caused by the different animal practices, the method of sterilization, and it can depend on the cat that needs to be sterilized. More information about this can be read below.

The costs

One practice uses different prices than another practice. That is why you can sometimes save a few tens of euros by choosing a cheaper practice. In addition, the method of sterilization also plays an important role. If the sterilization is done in the traditional way, this can save costs. It can also be done by means of a laparoscopic operation. With a laparoscopic operation, the costs are higher in almost all cases. Furthermore, different practices also use different prices for the weight of the cat in some cases.

The differences in prices

The fact that prices can vary greatly is not only because one practice simply charges more money for sterilization. The differences in prices can also arise from the method of treatment of the animal practices.

Some practices want to have the highest possible quality and simply have higher costs for this. For example, the costs increase when the vet uses a set of surgical materials for a cat once and the costs are often lower when the surgical materials are used more often for different operations. There are also differences in the type of anesthesia. Before the operation, an anesthetic injection can be given or a gas anesthesia can be administered for the anesthesia.

echo kat

Other things are the level of knowledge of the doctor and the aftercare for the cat. The higher the level of knowledge, the higher the costs will be. The aftercare that is given to the cat is often just as important. You want your cat to be in good hands until the owner comes back to pick up the cat.

What conditions must sterilization meet for you?

It is important to determine for yourself which conditions the sterilization must meet. How do you want your cat to be treated and what is important to you? By mapping this out properly, an application can be submitted to various animal practices, and thus it can be determined at which animal practices a sterilization can best take place.

What is important is that the costs are not always the main thing. It is about you feeling comfortable with the vet and leaving your cat pleasantly. It is about the operation being performed correctly and everything also going well for your cat.

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