Cost of surgery for the cat

Cost of surgery for the cat


You may, of course, have a cat in your home. This is always nice; a cat on your lap does calm everyone down. However, it could happen that your cat gets sick or has an accident. In this case, it is sometimes necessary to have an operation done on the cat, that way he can just walk around the house again afterwards. People only wonder what it costs then to have surgery on a cat, they are afraid.

The cost of surgery

It is difficult to pin down a specific amount for surgery. This is because there are numerous types of surgery your cat might need. The price varies per veterinarian and per type of surgery. We have looked for you what the most common operations are and what the corresponding price of this operation is. For an operation for cystitis or bladder stones there is not really much to pay, you only have to pay for the medication and Anti biotics your cat needs. For an operation on the hip you have to pay a lot more. You have to do a lot of work to get the hip back to its old condition, the cost for this operation is easily €450,- to €1.500,-. For an operation on the thyroid gland or on another organ you will also spend a considerable amount of money. This has to do with the anesthesia and with the fact that the doctor will have to put much more effort into making the cat better. The price for a type of surgery like this is easily €550 to €1,500.

Learn more about cat costs for the following procedures:

Another common problem in cats is a tumor. A tumor can be treated in different ways. A tumor can be surgically removed, treated by chemotherapy or it can receive radiation. The cost of a type of treatment like this is approximately between €500 and €1,500. This is different for the type of cancer your cat has. Treatment for lymphoma can cost as little as €2,500 to €3,000. In addition, a cat may need a blood transfusion. These costs start from about €700,-.

The cost of a broken bone can also be quite expensive. Surgery on a broken leg can quickly cost €1,000 in some situations. Just splinting the leg is already €400. Of course, these costs are always different for each fracture and they depend on vet fees. To treat a broken bone there are quite a lot of possibilities. Often a broken bone needs to be stabilized. The fracture can heal that way. Plaster can be used to heal a broken bone in a cat. Furthermore, iron plates and screws can be used. Finally, surgery with external fixator or lots of rest may also be possible solutions.

If your can has an umbilical hernia that needs to be treated it must be done surgically. The hole formed in the abdominal wall must be closed. This is closed with sutures. Once the hole is closed again then everything is fine. Extensive surgery quickly costs from €300 to €1,500. Sometimes this amount can even be as high as €3,000 or more. Amputation of a cat’s paw involves complete removal of the paw. These operations are usually very long but achievable. Medically, there are not so many problems. Many pet insurance policies also cover the cost of this surgery. Extensive surgery quickly costs from €300 to €1,500. In some cases, this amount can even reach €3,000 or more.

Getting a cat insured

You can choose to have your cat insured, that way you don’t have to pay all of the above costs yourself. Through insurance you can claim the costs you make. This way you don’t have to pay for everything yourself, which saves a lot of money in case of a major operation. It is true that you pay a monthly premium, but fortunately it is never that high. Check the current costs on our cat insurance comparison module.

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