Cost of a dog dental cleaning

Cost of a dog dental cleaning


As dog lovers, we naturally want the best for our furry friends, and an important aspect of their overall health is their dental well-being. Dental problems can not only cause discomfort, but also cause serious health problems if left untreated. In this blog, we discuss everything you need to know about dental cleaning in dogs, including why it’s important, what the costs are and where to get this procedure done. Read on to learn more about the importance of proper dental care for your four-legged companion.

What is dental cleaning of a dog?

Dental cleaning in dogs is a procedure in which plaque, tartar and other accumulations of dirt and bacteria are removed from the teeth. This is usually performed by a veterinarian under general anesthesia, as cleaning a dog’s teeth can be a painstaking and sometimes intensive process.

The steps of dental cleaning in a dog can vary depending on the dog’s specific needs and the veterinarian’s approach, but in general the process involves several key steps:

  1. Preliminary examination and evaluation: The veterinarian begins with a thorough evaluation of the dog’s teeth. This involves looking at the general health of the teeth, the presence of plaque, tartar, inflammation or other problems.
  2. Anesthesia: It is common for dental cleaning in dogs to be done under anesthesia. This allows the veterinarian to clean more thoroughly and perform any dental procedures needed, such as removing tartar from under the gums.
  3. Dental cleaning: Using special instruments, the veterinarian removes plaque, tartar and other debris from the dog’s teeth and gums. This can be done both above and below the gums.
  4. Dental procedures: If necessary, the veterinarian may also perform dental procedures during the dental cleaning, such as removing damaged teeth, treating inflammation or performing root canal treatments.
  5. Polishing: After teeth are thoroughly cleaned, they are polished to smooth the surface and remove any rough spots. This helps reduce plaque adhesion in the future.
  6. Aftercare and instructions: After the dental cleaning, the dog is given time to recover peacefully from the anesthesia. The veterinarian may also provide instructions for home care, such as special food, tooth brushing or the use of chew toys to support dental health.

It is important to emphasize that dental cleaning in dogs is a delicate procedure that should be carefully performed by a professional veterinarian. Regular dental checkups and cleanings can help maintain your dog’s dental health and prevent serious dental problems in the long run.

Why dental cleaning is important in your dog

As in humans, dental health in dogs can play a major role in their overall well-being. Untreated dental problems can lead to pain, infections and even serious health problems such as heart and kidney disease. Regular dental cleaning can help prevent this and improve your furry companion’s quality of life.

Can a dog get sick from a dental cleaning?

Although dental cleaning in dogs is generally safe, some dogs may experience side effects after the procedure, particularly as a result of the anesthesia used during the procedure. One of the possible side effects is nausea, which may manifest as vomiting or general discomfort in the dog.

To avoid this, it is important to be careful with the dog’s diet after returning home from the dental cleaning. A good guideline is to wait several hours before giving the dog a small amount of food. This way, the anesthesia has had time to dissipate from the dog’s system and the risk of nausea can be reduced.

It is also advisable to make the dog’s food easily digestible after the dental cleaning, and the veterinarian can make specific recommendations about this. It is always wise to discuss any concerns or side effects with the veterinarian after the dental cleaning so that they can be evaluated and treated as needed.

It is important to note that such side effects are relatively rare and most dogs recover from a dental cleaning procedure without complications. However, it is always better to be prepared and take the necessary precautions to ensure the well-being of your furry friend.

How long does the dental cleaning take?

The duration of a dog dental cleaning can vary, depending on the condition of the dog’s teeth and whether any dental procedures are required. In general, the process can take several hours, including the time needed to prepare the dog for anesthesia and recovery after the procedure.

However, the length of a dental cleaning can vary from animal to animal. If your dog suffers from severe dental problems, such as tartar, loose teeth and other complications, this procedure may take longer than for a dog with only light tartar. In such cases, you can expect your dog to spend a half to full day at the vet for the dental cleaning. The size of the teeth in dogs also varies, so the treatment in larger dogs often takes a little longer than in smaller dogs.

The same is true of a dental cleaning for cats.

What is the cost of dental cleaning for a dog and where can it be done?

The cost of professional dental cleaning for dogs can vary considerably, but generally the average rate is around €300. However, this amount only serves as a rough estimate because the final cost can vary greatly depending on several factors.

First, location plays a major role in determining costs. Veterinary practices in urban areas often have higher rates than those in rural areas. In addition, the severity of the dog’s dental problems can affect costs. Dogs with more severe dental problems may require more extensive treatments, which can increase costs.

The veterinary practice chosen can also make a difference in the price. Some practices charge higher rates because of their reputation, advanced equipment or specialized dental services.

It is important to emphasize that dental cleaning in dogs is an investment in their health. Regular dental maintenance can prevent serious dental problems, potentially saving on veterinary costs in the long run.

On our website, we provide a convenient listing of all veterinarians in the Netherlands who accept pet insurance. This can help you find a vet that fits your needs and budget, and allow you to cover the cost of dental cleaning and other veterinary care through insurance. This way, you can provide your furry friend with the best care without worrying about unexpected costs.

Which dog insurance covers dental cleaning?

Some dog insurance policies provide coverage for dental procedures, including dental cleaning. It is important to check the policy terms of your pet insurance policy to see if dental cleaning is included and, if so, what costs are covered. It may also be worth inquiring about additional insurance options that specifically address dental care for your pet.

Below is a list of insurers that cover dental cleaning (in part):

Dog InsuranceReimbursement
Figo PetOnly in case of accidents
OhraTo be taken out as additional coverage if you choose Plus or Top coverage. Ohra reimburses 60% of the bill up to a maximum of € 300.
InsharedTop package only

It is important to recognize that dental cleaning in dogs is not a one-time event. Because dental health problems often recur, it is necessary to schedule regular maintenance and possibly further treatments to ensure your faithful companion’s oral health. These repeated procedures can incur significant costs over time.

This is why having dog insurance can be invaluable. Good insurance can help cover the cost of dental cleanings and other dental care, giving you peace of mind and allowing your dog to get the care he needs without worrying about unexpected financial burdens.

It is wise to research your options and purchase dog insurance before you are faced with the need for an expensive dental cleaning or other medical procedures. That way, you can ensure that you are prepared for all eventualities and can provide the best care for your beloved four-legged friend without worrying about the cost.

In your search for a professional dental cleaning for your dog, it is advisable to compare different veterinary practices and inquire about their rates and procedures. While cheap dental cleaning may seem appealing, it is important not to lose sight of the quality of care your dog receives. Investing in your dog’s dental health can prevent many problems in the long run and improve your faithful companion’s quality of life.

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