Aegon pet insurance

Aegon has been one of the best-known insurers in the Netherlands for years. With them you can therefore go to many different types of insurance. For example, did you know that in addition to the normal insurance policies, such as health insurance, you can also take out pet insurance? This can save you a lot of money if you have an animal that often has to go to the vet. In this article we are going to look at this pet insurance from Aegon. So read on for more information.

What does Aegon pet insurance cover?

The most frequently chosen pet insurance with Aegon is “optimal insurance. The great thing about this insurance is that a lot of costs are covered by the insurer. Let’s see what Aegon covers.

Aegon covers all damages in case of an accident, this in case where treatment is required. Also, in case of the accident, the vet’s salary is paid. So this applies to treating and checking the animal at the clinic. Operations, admissions and stays in animal clinics are also all covered, however this applies only to the “optimal” package, not the basic package.

With the optimal package, the Aegon pet insurance also covers the costs you incur for having your dog chipped and neutered. This is virtually the case with every insurance policy, but with Aegon you get the full amount reimbursed. These are therefore fully covered.

In addition, all medication your pet needs will be covered. However, these must be medications prescribed by a veterinarian. They must be listed in the drug registry. There is no reimbursement for alternative medicines or drugs that can be obtained outside the vet. Lastly, having your pet put to sleep is also reimbursed. It is something you would rather not do, but animals do not have infinite life. With other insurers, you usually have to pay part of the cost of putting your pet to sleep yourself.

Huisdierverzekering Aegon
Aegon huisdierverzekering

Aegon dog insurance

You can also choose to purchase dog insurance from Aegon, this way your faithful four-legged friend will also have some security when it comes to costs. This insurance can also be divided into two different types. You can choose between the basic package and the so-called “Optimaal” package. The latter form of insurance will be able to reimburse more costs, of course, the premium for this is a lot higher than with the basic insurance.

When we take a closer look at Aegon’s basic insurance, we see that the standard costs are actually all covered. Here you can think of the standard costs that come up when your dog has been involved in an accident. If the dog needs an operation then this will be possible me the basic variant, this is very nice with Aegon.

However, the ‘Optimaal’ insurance has several advantages, as here you will also be reimbursed for the costs you will incur for buying the dog’s medication. You will also be reimbursed for all costs involved in performing an operation. Consider, for example, surgery on the animal’s eyelid. The costs for this can be quite high, by having this insurance you can save a lot of money on this. Also you will not have to pay anything when your animal gets the syringe when being put to sleep, this will all be recoverable from Aegon as well. This Optimaal insurance is considerably extended compared to the basic insurance.

Aegon cat insurance policies

At Aegon, there is cat insurance that you can purchase for your cat. This insurance can be divided into two types. You can choose from the basic package and the so-called ‘Optimaal’ package. The latter option obviously contains more costs that can be reimbursed.

When we look at the basic package of Aegon then we see that the standard costs are all reimbursed. think in particular of the standard costs that come with an accident. When the cat needs an operation you will be able to submit the full price for this to Aegon, this is obviously a big advantage.

The “Optimaal” insurance goes a step further, because here you will also be reimbursed for the costs you will incur for buying medicine for your cat. You will also be reimbursed for all costs related to various types of surgery including the removal of an eye. These are often not cheap, so this can save you a lot of money on a yearly basis. Also, you will not have to pay anything for your pet to be put to sleep, this will all be refunded to you if you choose to take out Aegon’s Optimaal insurance for your cat.

How do I file a claim with Aegon?

A significantly large proportion of pet owners are switching to pet insurance. This is mainly because it can save you a lot of money, but it is true that not every person knows how to claim. This needs to change, so we will now show you how to claim with Aegon.

Step 1: Go to Aegon’s site

It is not too complicated at Aegon to submit a particular account. On the site, this can be done in an easy and quick way. You will first have to go to the site itself, here somewhere on the screen you will find a page with the claim options. Click on the link that will direct you further.

Declaratie Aegon Dierenverzekering


Step 2: Collecting all the data

Before it is possible to get a bill reimbursed you will need to have all the data available for when entering all the info. These data are necessary to claim the reimbursement of the costs. The most important thing is that you have the bill that was given to you by the veterinarian, it contains almost everything you need to claim this specific bill.

Step 3: See if consent is required

It might just be that you will have to have a certain bill before you can get the amount back. This doesn’t really matter for the cheaper treatments, however, it is required for an operation such as tumor removal. You will see on Aegon’s site a list of charges that have this type of authorization as a requirement.

Step 4: Pay attention to the small print

For any insurance policy you will have to deal with small print, this is just the way it is. Here you can see terms and conditions that apply to your affiliated insurance. Before you submit your claim, you should take a moment to read through these to make sure you haven’t overlooked anything.

How do I cancel my insurance with Aegon

No insurer likes it when you leave. After all, this would be a bit crazy, the insurer wants to keep as many customers as possible. At Aegon, it is of course possible to cancel an insurance policy, and to make it a little easier for you, we are going to help you. We are going to take a look at everything that is needed to cancel an insurance.

Step 1: Go to the account on Aegon’s site

Aegon’s insurance will not yet be open for cancellation in the first year, we see this in the other insurance policies as well. For example, Aegon also has this arrangement. You can stop a particular pet insurance through the site itself, you can do this on the same page where the declarations are arranged at Aegon. When there is a multi-year contract it is of course not possible to leave after one year.

Opzeggen Aegon Dierenverzekering

Step 2: Giving the reason

With every insurance policy you will have to give a reason why you want to get rid of the insurance. If your pet has passed away, you can request a special statement for this that you can submit to Aegon. This can then be sent back to Aegon to show that the animal is no longer there. This way you can get rid of your pet insurance in an easy, worry-free way.

Step 3: A change of master

If you are no longer the owner of the dog or cat, you will have to make this clear to the insurer, in this case Aegon. This can be done through a special just. You can request this proof at the shelter or at the municipality if you want. Here it works the same, you send it and Aegon takes care of the rest of the paperwork.


Aegon Dierenverzekering Konijn en Kat

Why get Aegon pet insurance?

As you can see above, Aegon covers a lot of costs. That is the biggest reason to choose this pet insurance. You no longer have all kinds of costs that you have to pay yourself. By opting for Aegon you ensure convenience, because you can simply send almost any bill to the insurer.

Another advantage is that Aegon is generally very well rated in terms of customer friendliness. This does matter with an insurer, after all, you always want to deal with a good form of communication. In addition, Aegon is not the most expensive insurance, although there are possible alternatives if you are looking for a true entry level insurance.

So getting pet insurance from Aegon is not so wrong. With this insurance you get a lot of compensation, so you don’t have to spend mountains of money on your pet. If you have a dog or puppy at home, click here for the best dog insurance. Are you not such a fan of dogs and have a cat in your home? Don’t worry, there is also a special cat insurance.

Aegon reviews

Linda Metzlar
Linda Metzlar
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Vorig jaar deze verzekering afgesloten en ik ben heel erg blij dat ik dit heb gedaan. Ik heb het extra pakket en indienen van declaraties gaat heel makkelijk. Ze worden ook snel afgehandeld. Eind januari moest mijn Ragdoll met spoed worden geholpen bij de dierenarts na diagnose van een bottumor in één van zijn achterpoten. Zeer goed geholpen door Aegon en ondanks de korte verzekeringsduur werd de nota voor 90% vergoed. Erg blij met deze verzerkering, ik en Mawís blijven verzekerd zolang hij mag leven 🙂
Frank Hulshof
Frank Hulshof
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Blij dat we verzekering bij Aegon hebben genomen! Wij hebben een Maine Coon (Jack). Een prachtige raskat, maar raskatten kunnen nog wel eens wat kosten. Dus hebben we besloten een verzekering bij Aegon af te sluiten. Jack had nog nooit wat gehad, tot laatst. Een blaasontsteking die niet snel wegging. Dus we hebben helaas heel wat dierenarts bezoekjes moeten doen. En dus een aantal declaraties richting Aegon. Wat we erg vervelend vonden. En we waren benieuwd hoe Eagon zou reageren. Maar ze deden niet moeilijk en er werd elke keer tot vergoeding overgegaan.
Lotte Bögels
Lotte Bögels
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Prima. Net als elke verzekering wel goed de polisvoorwaarden lezen zodat je niet voor verrassingen komt te staan. Ik moet zelf bijna elke 2 maanden naar de DA en krijg altijd binnen acceptabele tijd een reactie op mijn declaraties en vragen.
Casper Greeven
Casper Greeven
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Helaas hebben we al een aantal keer gebruik moeten maken van de verzekering, maar daarbij verliep uitbetaling declaratie gelukkig telkens binnen twee weken. Ook de optie tot gedeeltelijke vergoeding sterilisatie bij afsluiten van een verzekering voor de lange termijn is fijn. Wij zijn tevreden.
Bas van Beenderen
Bas van Beenderen
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Helaas al gebruik moeten maken van de dierenverzekering. Alle Declaraties zijn netjes afgehandeld die ingediend zijn. Wel is de doorlooptijd voor sommige declaraties wat langer maar worden uiteindelijk wel netjes uitbetaald.

Veelgestelde vragen over dierenverzekeringen

Bekijk hier de antwoorden op de meest gestelde vragen over huisdierenverzekeringen.

Een dierenverzekering is een zorgverzekering voor huisdieren zoals honden en katten. De huisdierverzekering dekt de medische kosten van uw huisdieren. In tegenstelling tot zorgverzekeringen voor mensen, is een dierenverzekering niet verplicht.

De beste dierenverzekering is de huisdierenverzekering van OHRA. Dit is de best beoordeelde en meest afgesloten dierenverzekering sinds 2023.

De mogelijkheid om een dierenverzekering af te sluiten hangt af van zowel de verzekeringsmaatschappij als het specifieke huisdier dat je hebt. Hieronder staan de maximale leeftijdsgrenzen voor het afsluiten van een verzekering bij verschillende verzekeraars:
  • Inshared accepteert huisdieren tot 6 jaar.
  • Aegon accepteert huisdieren tot 6 jaar.
  • OHRA accepteert huisdieren tot 7 jaar.
  • Petsecur accepteert huisdieren tot 7 jaar.
  • Figo Pet heeft geen leeftijdsgrens, dus er is geen beperking op de leeftijd van het huisdier.
  • Bij Univé kun je voor honden jonger dan 8 jaar en katten jonger dan 10 jaar elke dekking afsluiten. Als je huisdier ouder is op het moment van afsluiten, bieden ze alleen de dekking “Ongevallen” aan.

De kosten van een dierenverzekering zijn al vanaf € 7,62 per maand. Houd er rekening mee dat deze prijzen slechts starttarieven zijn en dat de uiteindelijke kosten kunnen variëren op basis van verschillende factoren.

Figo Pet is momenteel de goedkoopste dierenverzekering. Het is echter belangrijk op te merken dat bij veel goedkope dierenverzekeringen niet alle medische kosten worden gedekt. 

in Nederland kun je jouw huisdier verzekeren bij OHRA, Inshared, Petsecur, Figo Pet, Aegon, Univé of